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Real vs. Artificial Plants: What’s the Difference and Which to Choose?

2023 12 8

When it comes to designing your home, regardless of your design preferences or decorating tastes, incorporating greenery is essential for a welcoming, vibrant and effortlessly stylish space.

Whether it’s hanging a draping plant in the corner, utilizing lush greenery as a centerpiece for your dining room table, or placing a tall plant next to your sofa, there are many ways to add a pop of green to create a cozy, fresh, and joyful atmosphere.

Sound straightforward, right? However, in the realm of selecting greenery for your space, the dilemma of choosing between real or artificial plants arises. In brief, each has its merits, and the decision largely hinges on your individual circumstances, design preferences, and living space. Continue reading to discover precisely what suits you best!

Artificial Plants

Should I Buy Real or Fake Plants for My Home?

Level of Maintenance

With real plants, the required maintenance is the biggest limitation. It takes a lot of time, effort and resources to survive and thrive. From regular watering, to sun exposure, occasional re-potting, fertilizing and pest control, there’s a lot to ensure they stay healthy, vibrant and perfectly suited to your space.

To further complicate matters, care regimens vary depending on the type of plant. While some enthusiasts appreciate the challenge and routine of plant care, not everyone possesses a green thumb, so the idea of incorporating indoor plants may seem daunting, and in certain cases, practically unfeasible.

But that’s where artificial greenery comes in! With minimal maintenance demands, fake foliage proves to be an excellent option for those who lack the time, means, or ability to stay on top of the maintenance required for real plants.

Unlike real foliage, faux greenery eliminates the mess associated with soil or dropping leaves and requires none of the watering, sunlight, or other maintenance real plants demand.

Remarkably, the only upkeep necessary to maintain their well-cared-for appearance involves the occasional dusting or wiping. How convenient is that!

faux greenery decor


While the initial investment in fake plants may seem high, it proves to be a more cost-effective option in the long run, thanks to the absence of ongoing maintenance expenses.

Real plants, on the other hand, not only necessitate the purchase of the plant itself, but over its lifetime, additional costs for pots, potting mix, fertilizers, insecticides, and other essentials may accrue to ensure the plant’s sustained vitality.

In contrast, artificial foliage offers durability and assurance, ensuring survival without continuous costs beyond the initial purchase.

For Pets

Numerous factors make artificial plants a suitable choice for you. A notable advantage is the peace of mind that comes with eliminating the risk of poisoning pets, as many natural plants are toxic. This removal of potential harm allows for the enjoyment of plants without concerns.

Additionally, for individuals dealing with asthma or hay fever, opting for fake plants reduces the risk of exposure, ensuring you won’t find yourself sniffling as you pass by your faux flowers.


Modern artificial plants are meticulously crafted and so convincingly realistic that distinguishing them from real ones by sight alone is nearly impossible.

From Jasmine to Rose, Photinia to Ivy, the choices are abundant. Most popular real plants have been impeccably replicated in artificial form, making it highly likely that you’ll find your favorites.

Moreover, life becomes more flexible with artificial flowers in both the living rooms and the garden. You can effortlessly tailor your surroundings to match your mood, décor, or the season.


The decision between real or fake plants should consider the specific locations to showcase your greenery. Real plants generally cannot survive in dark places with little or no sunlight.

In contrast, faux greenery offers unparalleled flexibility. It can be positioned wherever you desire, unrestricted by sunlight availability or temperature requirements.

fake plant frame

Health Effects

Many scientific studies highlight the various benefits associated with plants and the color green, including stress reduction, improved attention and productivity, and decreased anxiety. However, the ongoing debate persists: which is superior for your health, real or artificial plants?

Indeed, both real and faux foliage contribute positively to your well-being through their stress-alleviating greenery. Real plants hold the advantage of being natural, but they demand consistent care and attention.

Faux plants are even better because they are low-maintenance, so you don’t need constant upkeep. This not only ensures aesthetic appeal but also liberates valuable space on your busy to-do list.

faux plant

Other Things to Consider When You’re Weighing Up Real vs Faux Plant Purchases

Selecting between fresh and faux plants doesn’t have to be a binary, polarized decision. Instead of taking sides, it’s more about assessing your individual needs and the intended purpose of the plants. (It’s OK to have some of both too!)

Here are just a few considerations to keep in mind:


  • Will the plant thrive in your specific space?
  • Do you have adequate lighting or humidity for its needs?
  • Is the temperature suitable, ensuring it is warm or cool enough for optimal growth?


  • Are you familiar with the specific soil type required by the plant?
  • Do you know the appropriate amount of water or misting it requires?
  • Are you aware of the optimal timing for re-potting the plant?


  • Do you have sufficient time for regular care tasks like watering, misting, or fertilizing the plant?
  • Are you prepared for the time investment required to re-pot, split, or maintain potted plants when necessary?


  • Is the plant intended for a residential setting, a holiday rental, or a commercial space?
  • Will there be someone available to attend to the plant’s care and maintenance regularly in the chosen location?


  • Do you have inquisitive, young children who might interact with the house plants?
  • Are there pets in the vicinity that may be inclined to nibble on the plant?
  • Do you or any family members suffer from allergies that could be triggered by certain plants?

If you’d prefer not to delve into the considerations mentioned above, explore our artificial plant collections. With these, you can bypass high maintenance while still relishing the stylish benefits.

The Verdict

Ultimately, the choice between real or artificial plants for your home is entirely yours to make, considering your personal preferences and circumstances. We trust that the tips and insights provided here can assist you in making the right decision for your space.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] – we always appreciate hearing from you!